Have you ever just took a moment to think about what you have learned in life so far? Recently, I have, just out of curiosity. I am only nineteen years old, so believe there is plenty for me still to learn, but up until this age the most important thing I have learned that is actually useful and will continue to hold on to is to just be true to yourself. If I could tell younger me any piece of advice, that is what I would say.

Growing up, I have always wanted to fit in, everyone does, it is human nature. We always look to people we see on television, the internet, even our own peers to determine what we want to be and how we what to act. It is sad that pop culture has that power over us to produce that effect.

 I have experienced that phase of trying to act more like the people I'm surrounded by and what I witness on social media, because in this society, when people are different and want to stand out, they just get rejected. It is only because others just did not have the originality to stand out on their own. I believe if people have talent, style and expression they want to share with the world, then let it shine.

Who cares what others think? why should other's opinion influence you? Be the you you want to be. Stay true to yourself because life is way to short to follow someone else's rules, you should making your own. 


  1. Lovely! Still, though, we have to care a little, right? Otherwise, how do we keep growing in happier and more productive ways? And then, life has a way of messing with our happiness, and I'm all for keeping the eyes on the happy, but experiencing "not happy" can be productive, too. How to keep striving for happiness in the face of life's challenges? I'd say that -- honestly -- these types of imagistic reminders are good (though I have, on a bad day and from time to time, cursed them) :)

    Have a great day, Krystal!


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